Sunday, March 30, 2014


We escaped the long, long winter and went to Florida. Oh, yes! Here we have some home pedicures going on, pre-trip. 

We hit the beach when we arrived in the early evening. It was windy and a storm was brewing, but the beach was blissfully free of snow and ice. 

Our first full day in Florida was St. Patrick's Day. It was also Creston and Ivy's birthday! Four! Hard to believe. There were amazing storms all day long, so we went to the aquarium and checked out manatees and dolphins and the like. A pretty great birthday, topped off by dinner on the town. 

And the weather cleared up. 

Traveling with 4 year olds is so easy compared with the last time we flew when they were 2.5. 

Airports are brilliant to have these play spaces to run around in. 

And Jet Blue is genius to have little tv's. 
It was a smooth trip! And Spring will
be here eventually. Right ?

Friday, March 7, 2014


February is the shortest month, but in New Hampshire it can feel like the longest. Still, we have been having some fun despite polar temperatures and ear infections. We met up with cousins at Grandma Carola's. Here are Cora and Uncle Creston sledding on an amazing hill at dusk. 

On the trip home, C and I zonked out. I can't remember the last time they both slept in the car. They don't do that. 

Ivy is sleeping with a fruit stick snack in her hands. 

Back in action at the great local children's museum. Hood and hat, "just like Pop."

Look how tall and lanky Ivy has gotten! Kind of wild. Our bathroom is under construction, ignore all that mess. 

Another girl on the way, due 8/4/14. Yahoo!

Sunday, January 26, 2014


There's been a preoccupation with drumming around here lately. Here's Creston building a drum set for Ivy. 

So imagine our delight when we went to Boston to stay with a friend, and we found an actual factual drum set in "our" bedroom. 

It was very, very loud. And exciting. Eminem watched over us all.